Trial fonts License

Choosing the right fonts for your project has never been easier.
Try our free trial versions and find a font that best fits your needs. With a demo, you can get up and running quickly and make an informed decision.
With the free trial font license, you will be able to use our fonts on unlimited projects, free of charge. You can upload your projects and present them to your client without worrying about having to commit to the purchase.

Only when it is clear that the font fits and the actual projects go live or are produced will you have to purchase the full version.

If you decide to purchase a full font family at any time during trials, we will credit your account with a one-time 20% off.

The Trial fonts are not free fonts or open source. They are subject to a license agreement that must be accepted. The trial fonts cannot be passed on, copied or distributed to third parties in any form! Only users with a valid OzType account can download them.

You can request a free trial by emailing us at: